This cow ALMOST DIDN’T MAKE IT into the chute!

How would you like to put your contact lenses in your eyes in the morning and not worrying about them for the next 30 days? Sounds almost too good to be true, but there are contacts that you can safely wear for a month.

Most contact lenses can be worn for no longer than 8-10 hours in a row because the lens blocks the flow of oxygen to your eyes. This can cause irritation and promote bacterial infection.

However, the new generation of lenses, made from a different material (silicone hydrogel lenses), have much higher oxygen permeability. For example, Focus Day and Night lets through 6 times more oxygen than conventional contacts. With more oxygen reaching your eyes, wearing contact lenses for 30 days becomes a safe option.

There are two lenses that are FDA approved for continuous wear for up to 30 days – Focus Night and Day by Ciba Vision and Pure Vision by Bausch & Lomb.