Color contact lenses – the most popular contacts on the market

Did you ever think that you can kill two birds with one stone, and change your eye color while correcting your vision? If you have to wear contact lenses anyway, try color contacts. Recently developed color contact lenses can give you a vivid, yet natural, look.

You can get two types of color contacts – enhancement color lenses, which are half transparent and designed to enrich your natural color; and opaque lenses, which can change your color completely, even if you have dark eyes.

Modern color contacts even come as 2 week and 1 month disposables.

The most popular color lens collections are:

Freshlook Colorblends to change color of dark or light eyes
Freshlook Radiance – enhancement lenses to make your eyes sparkly
Acuvue 2 Color opaque and enhancement lenses
Focus Softcolors (2 weeks and monthly disposable) – enhancement lenses to brighten light eyes and give them a tint of blue, green or aqua