What if they have PROBLEMS on BOTH CLAWS??

Pursue Things That Make You Happy
The loss of a child leaves many parents with a void in their lives. They are no longer required to accompany their children to athletic events, assist with schoolwork, or prepare supper every night. This void must be filled by parents who are significantly engaged in their children’s lives.

The point is that it can’t simply be a place where you do nothing. It’s time for parents to discover new passions or rediscover old ones. The more significant the activity is to the person, the more the hole the children have grown and gone may be filled.

For example, you may own an art history degree that you have not utilized since starting a family and being the primary caregiver. You have always aspired to be an art instructor. An art studio that provides lessons may be a wonderful place to start. Getting involved Teaching people to enjoy art and express themselves through art may offer you enormous joy.