Now we know WHY this Cow was WALKING on her TIPPY TOES

Avoid incurring fees – The best way to reduce the cost of your current account is to avoid incurring fees. This means that you need to be careful not to exceed the terms of your account. This includes keeping a close eye on your balance and making sure that you make regular deposits to keep the account topped up.

Seek alternatives – While you should make every effort to avoid incurring fees on your account, there may come a time when you are unable to do so. This may be because you have exceeded the terms of your account or because you have not deposited enough money to keep the account topped up. If this happens, you should consider

seeking an alternative account. There are a number of providers that offer β€˜friendly’ overdrafts. These providers will only charge you a small amount for going into overdraft, or may not charge you at all.