this is WORSE than it first looks!!!!!!!!

The principles behind dealing with these kinds of situations are also the same regardless of what country you’re in. You start by assessing the situation, determine what kind of assistance is needed, call for professional help, and treat the person’s injury. Most of this is just basic common sense.

But what about some of the other possible first aid situations you might find? Do you know what to do when someone starts throwing up? Are you supposed to give them water or not? Is “better out than in” really true? Sometimes, but not always, and this can depend on why the person is being sick. Dealing with a situation like this is something a basic first aid course will teach you how to do.

This is just one example. By keeping a fully stocked first aid kit nearby, you should be able to address any emergency that comes up. But do you know where your first aid kit is at work? Do you even have one at home? And what tools and equipment go into a fully stocked first aid kit? This is another thing you can learn by taking an accredited first aid course.